Saturday, August 4, 2012

 Today was The Seneca Meadows Second Annual 5k "Run for Hunger". It is a fundraiser for House of Concern. The entry fees are a contribution to our food pantry and people were asked to bring canned goods also.It was a huge success!

It was a beautiful morning and while hot now, it was comfortable then. Okay, admittedly it was probably a bit easier for me to feel comfortable as I was sitting under a tent with a stop watch at mile 2 . I have to  say that all the runners looked hot.

So my job was to yell out their time for the racers as they flew by me. The first guy was by in 11 minutes. Two miles in 11 minutes! I was impressed. He did end up winning the race which did not surprise me as by that point he already had quite a lead.

Anyway,all and all it took about 34 minutes for everyone to go by me. That was amazing to me. In 34 minutes in that heat I wouldn't have been much past the 1 mile mark.Actually pretty sure I would have been laying on the trail in a big heap. Heart patients don't love the heat.

So I waited for the jeep to come and retrieve me because I was not walking back. I mean since they were giving money to House of Concern  they most likely did not want to kill the Executive Director so I figured they would be along. 
 After awhile I hear on my little radio that everyone is in and the guys would be around to clean up. So now I am wondering if I should remind them to get me as I did see the people from the water station near me walking back but I am not pushy and  very patient and I figure that they will remember  me eventually.
Then I hear "Okay I think we have everyone"...So then i speak up and of course they came right out and all was well.

BUT, it occurred to me as I was sitting there waiting for them that this is part of the problem for food pantries in the summer. 
Everyone gets busy.
There is always so much to do at all times for most people. So things get forgotten. Like food pantries. Its way easier to think about them at Christmas or Thanksgiving.
I reminded myself that sometimes you need to announce yourself.

Occasionally you need to remember to shout out  "Wait...don't forget me...I am here!"

So this is  my shout out to all of you no matter where you live.

The pantries need you more than ever now. School is out and so more families are coming in for services.
Think about it... If you are used to your children getting breakfast and lunch at school and now you have to provide that all week it means your grocery bills are going to shoot way up. Unfortunately your income does not.

I was speaking with a  woman  on Friday that is  now providing care for her granddaughter and she said " I work 40 hours a week and I have never had to ask anyone for help but I lost two weeks of work settling my granddaughter in and I don't get paid when I don't work and Wow,forgot how much that 12 year old girls eat!"
I hear many many stories like that.
At the House of Concern on Friday we had 5 new families and most said the same are home and the paycheck just doesn't go far enough.
Here are a few facts for you...
In July we had 340 families in for food.
That broke down to 945 people that we try to help feed for a 5 day period.

We receive Foodlink but we had still needed many many trips to the grocery store and we spent.. just in the month of July...$3,800.99 on food.
August 1st we already spent $ we are off to another expensive month.
As I told one of the board members..its gonna be a very long summer.

So my thanks to Seneca Meadows for a wonderfully timed fundraiser and also The Cayuga Nation for the Mini Golf tournament they held two weeks ago.Great job and I am sure a huge amount of work. You have no idea how much it helps.

My thanks to all the runners... as you all ran by my thought  was thanks be for helping stock our pantry shelves. I truly said a little prayer for every one of you.

Thanks to all of you who always remember your local pantry.
We need you... we count on you...we would not be able to continue without you.
It is always a community effort.

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