Monday, August 23, 2010

You can't always get what you want...

And sometimes you really can't get what you need.

Now, a prime example of that would be the New York State budget 2010. I mean can you find....anywhere... a better example of poor administration...ineffective government...and last but certainly not least...the complete lack of understanding or caring for poor and middle income New Yorkers.
I have watched this ridiculous debacle as it played itself out and found that at times i have been so angry that it is almost amusing.

The budget cuts that the Governor has been so excited about did not affect Wall Street and the rich. They did however create more hardships for those who can least afford them.
There are over 800,000 unemployed people in the state...not a lot of new jobs created during this 4 month political agenda game. Seems like they might have come up with something a little better during all that time.
But they didn't.

Then lets take a look at the 1.2 billion dollars that was given over the last and the current budget cycles from the federal government that was meant for welfare programs and job creations.
1.2 BILLION DOLLARS... that my friends is a whole lot of cash.

However, Gov Patterson and the gang decided to spend less than 7% on jobs.
This year... during this time of 800,000 unemployed.... they decided it would be a good idea to use only 15 million of the 638 million that was available.

See, now if i was the feds I would want a little explaining done about that but alas, i doubt that is on any ones radar...because...heres the thing...poor people and middle class... not really on any of their radars.
Yep, I said it...they don't actually care.
They only care when they are campaigning...poor people make good great photo ops. Food pantries and Thanksgiving and some politician rolling up their sleeves and dishing out a turkey dinner...that's when they care and that's when they think about it.

Cynical Cynical Diane...for shame. ):

Okay, I believe that individually if they got to know someone and they realised that the person was struggling they would jump in and try to help and care, but on a larger scale they have no frame of reference and cannot even conceive of the real issues.

They can't understand worrying about food for your idea about having 5 kids and your gas and electric shut off...don't understand about taking your kids and living in tent or cabin at camp grounds until it is too cold to clue about getting food and clothes at a food pantry and no idea about the hopelessness that exists when there are just no jobs and the unemployment has run out.

Now some of that money went to existing welfare programs and some went to a Childcare
...a whole flippin bunch...was simply diverted to use as fiscal relief. NICE.
And not for nothing..that childcare money would be even better if there were any freaking jobs for someone to actually work at!!!

So what to do what to do...
Well I am glad you asked...

We need an overhaul in government... both parties... a complete overhaul.

We need to pay attention and we need to speak up and we need to vote and we need to lobby.

If Albany or Washington isn't listening we need to get their attention.
Get new people in office.
Get people registered to vote and make sure they are informed.
Most of all we need to stop sitting on our collective asses and hoping one person will save us.
We Americans have been lazy and complacent and this is where we are... in a mess that only grows worse each year.

So No.... you can't always get what you want and you can only get what you need if you work for it.
Lets all work for it.

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