Monday, December 12, 2011

Gods Quarterback

Tim Tebow is making a big name for himself. He is making the kind of name where people who pay little or no attention to the sport he plays( football) still have heard about him.

The boy is making headlines.

Often when a Sports figure reaches that kind of mainstream popularity it has been for some scandalous reason. In recent years there have been players involved with dog fighting, gambling, shooting yourself in the leg with you gun that you took with you on a night on the town, adultery, sending texts of your privates...well you get the point, its that sort of "I am the star" entitlement thing.

Tim Tebows thing is that he is a Christian.

He is a card carrying, praise the Lord, out in the open Christian. Its not just a Sunday thing with him and its not just for family, he is out there. He is a young man whose faith is in the forefront of his life. He prays openly every where he goes and that includes the football field. His drop to one knee stance of prayer has inspired much ridicule and commentary. This apparently does not bother him in the least. Week after week he "takes the knee", not the one usually associated with football, and he does his job. This is a job that by all accounts he is doing very well. Something that the football people in the know, commentators, analyst, all said was not going to happen. They said he was over rated.

Well, maybe not.

It seems that Nay sayers have surrounded this guy since before he was even born. For those who don't know his mother had complications and was told to not have him, that it would jeopardize her life and he certainly would not be okay. His mom didn't listen to the experts, she listened to her heart and prayed.
Makes you kind of see why Tim Tebow is so certain of how prayer should be part of his life.

Now I can just hear some of you saying "well fine, I don't care if he is a Christian, I just don't want to hear about it all the time Don't push it in my face."
He is praying and he is doing his job and they are coinciding.

He is not saying "I will not go back on that field till everyone in the stadium and on the field prays with me." he does not make any demands whatsoever of the people watching him and the men he is playing with.

Lots of people pray at their jobs.

I pray all the time at my job. I start everyday of my life with prayer, I pray frequently throughout the day and I go to sleep with prayers of thanksgiving for the day I just had...even, when that day was kind of stressful.

True, my job is not in the public eye..but...I would do the same thing if it was. I have no problem letting people know what I believe in and that I am here by the grace of God, and I do what I do with only God's help.

When i was having my "Match" days I was hitting it off with a man until the day we were going to meet. That day was a Sunday and I told him that i would meet him after Church.
Well that was the end right there. He told me he couldn't date a Christian. I actually thought he was kidding at first but then i realized that he was dead serious. So I said to him,"Are you that afraid that just being near me will cause a conversion of your atheism? You must feel my "make-believe God" is really powerful."

Football Fans are notoriously outspoken, in your face, staunch, loyal, people. They have Jerseys proclaiming there allegiance, they have hats and coats and gloves with their favorites. Sometimes they even paint their faces or even their bodies with the team colors and logos.
None of that offend me. I don't feel the need to ridicule, I don't feel the need to be outraged, and I certainly would defend your right to do this at each and every game.
If it did offend me for some unknown reason...I would simply look away. Pretty simple solution.

I have no idea how things will play out on or off the field for Tebow. Maybe he will have a great career and maybe he won't. Football is more often than not about how healthy you can remain.

I was very glad to hear Tebow say without reservation that he does not believe that God cares who wins or loses a football game. His prayers are not for winning.
His prayers are for thanksgiving.

Some are calling him "Gods quarterback".
I bristled a little when I first heard that thinking that people meant that God picked him to be best and maybe that is indeed what some people mean.
However, upon thinking about it I think there is some truth to this.
If the "I am a Christian and not afraid to say it message" is the football then Tim Tebow is scoring all kinds of points everyday...and especially on Sunday...and in this day and age that is probably exactly what God would have his Quarterbacks do.

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