Monday, February 8, 2010

Breesus... a savior????

Now I am not a huge football fan. I am not a huge fan of any professional sport. Too much money. Too much adulation, too much focus on a SPORT. A GAME.

I watched the Superbowl more or less. Dozed some, read my book, cut out coupons, you get the idea... not real into it. And I would not have given it much of a thought except for the AOL headline about Drew Brees... Breesus being a new Savior. Really???

That just seems to be a bit of overkill.

It occurs to me that one of the problems that we as a society have is that we place so much emphasis on entertainment, things that are fun, personalities,we treat it as not just important in our life but actually imperative.
Now I get it is really big business for some but for the average person ...deep is merely a game, a movie, a TV show, a personality,it is not real to our life except for the entertainment value.

It is not great for the focus of our adulation either. Take Drew Brees...That poor guy has to live up to a flippin lot now. He might want to call Tiger Woods, or Charlie Sheen, John Edwards, or channel Micheal Jackson. Once you have been labeled a savior the fall will be great. Not saying this guy will have all these problems but it is not looking good for him.

I mean if you take someone and tell them you are great, you are the best,we love you, have this, have that, take what you want... we love you. Eventually they have got to start believing their own publicity. They start behaving special.
Then we all get mad at them until they go to rehab, sex rehab, drug rehab, some rehab, and then they are sorry, and then maybe we forgive them...if they still have the goods, and if they can sound a great deal like a repentant victim. They have to repent..every time.

See I look at the past couple years and it has been one celebrity/sports figure/ politician after another..going to sex rehab, falling down in our eyes.
In our eyes.
We go from worshippers to judges and we decide if they should they be forgiven.
That is frankly just f---ked up!

Now call me has been said before... but who the heck are we to get to decide anything?
Now I can decide to not watch 2 and 1/2 men anymore because Charlie seems like a creep but that is really the only judging I should be doing.
And I probably shouldn't call him a creep but..I did.

That is really all the judge I need to be. It is not up to me. What happens to him is up to him and God. Not my business.

Then there is Tiger Woods... talk about a fall. DAMN!
Now what made that so hard to take for so many and such an interesting story is that he was supposed to be so squeaky clean. Now turns out he had feet of clay. He was human and life is hard even for a multi millionaire who is banging so many women. No one knew. Well maybe the inner circle but no one even hinted at his activities.
I would take an aside here and posit that many golfers may try to emulate him in hopes that is what made him so great and to that i would say" do not try this at home".

So Tiger is a sex addict.
I would think with all of them out there it must be one of the fields that college grads may want to consider when they are looking for careers that will be profitable in the future.

I think Tiger is just spoiled. He was told he was great,, he was told he was invincible and he was told take what you want and he did. He acted like a child with no manners because we, as the public..let him. Until he got caught and did not live up to his squeaky clean image that we all made for him. Then we were outraged.

So, lets right now do a favor for Drew Brees. Lets not call him a savior. Call him a great football player who helped to bring a win to a losing team and some happiness to a place that has has had huge loss and tragedy. That is pretty good. Let him be thrilled with his win and his family and let him continue with his humanitarian works.
Lets not set him up. Lets not make him a God and lets all of us refrain from playing God ourselves.
Oh and if you need a savior there is one I can point you to. He has been around a long time and so far so good...

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% with this blog, and once again I think you should be writing for and submiting to national daily journal columns. Your stuff is always that good, and believe me, I have to read a lot of stuff in my line of work. Think about it.. .I really think your stuff is publishable as journal column pieces/
